
نظام تبادل وإدارة المحتوى

أدوات المستخدم

أدوات الموقع

no way to compare when less than two revisions


عرض الاختلافات بين النسخة المختارة و النسخة الحالية من الصفحة.

test3 [2022/05/22 17:51] (حالي) – اُنشئت المُشرف العام
سطر 1: سطر 1:
 +* DDR3L [70x70]      #lightgray
 +* SLC_NAND [70x70]   #lightgray
 +* TestPoints [70x30] #lightgray
 +* PF3000 [70x130]    #lightgray
 +* EEPROM [70x30]     #lightgray
 +* i_MX7_SoC #lightgray
 + * 2x_ARM [70x70] #white
 + * ARM [70x70]    #white
 + * PXP [70x70]    #white
 + * Crypto [70x30] #white
 + * DDR3 [70x70]   #white
 + move(0,90)
 + * JTAG [70x30]   #white
 + --
 + * signals #white
 + * 24_bit_display [85x20]
 + * 24_bit_camera [85x20]
 + * 2x_DS_DSIO [85x20]
 + * 124x_GPIO [85x20]
 + * 4x_12C [85x20]
 + * 3x_12S [85x20]
 + * 7x_UART [85x20]
 + * 2x_QuadSPI [85x20]
 + * 4x_eCSPI [85x20]
 + * 2x_CAN [85x20]
 + * 4x_Timer [85x20]
 + * Local_bus [85x20]
 + * GPMI [85x20]
 + * 2x_Gbit_MAC [85x20]
 + * 6x6_keypard [85x20]
 + * 4x_PWM [85x20]
 + * 2x_SmartCard [85x20]
 + * 4x_Watchdog [85x20]
 + * MQS [85x20]
 + move(35,10)
 + * ADC1 [70x30]     #white
 + * ADC2 [70x30]     #white
 + * MIPI_DSI [70x30] #white
 + * PCIe [70x30]     #white
 + * USB2_0   [70x30] #white
 + * USB2_0_  [70x30] #white
 + * USB2_0__ [70x30] #white
 + * MIPI_CSI [70x30] #white
 +move(40, 480)
 +* WLAN_BT    [100x30] #lightgray
 +* 1Gbit_PHY [100x30]  #lightgray
 +* 1Gbit_PHY_ [100x30] #lightgray
 +move(0, 120)
 +* WM_8731L [100x30] #lightgray
 +move(-40, 10)
 +* SPI_FLASH [80x30] #lightgray
 +move(110, -50)
 +* Resistive [80x30] #lightgray
 +move(-90, 80)
 +* DSI_to_LVDS [100x30] #lightgray
 +* USB2_0 [100x40] #lightgray
 +* 240pin [50x1220] #lightgray
 +DDR3L(100%,50%-10) <=> i_MX7_SoC.DDR3    : 32 bit
 +SLC_NAND <-> i_MX7_SoC.signals           : GPMI
 +SLC_NAND(100%, 50) <-> i_MX7_SoC.signals : MMC
 +TestPoints <-> i_MX7_SoC.JTAG            : JTAG
 +PF3000 => i_MX7_SoC #0000ff : Power
 +PF3000 => i_MX7_SoC : Power
 +PF3000 => i_MX7_SoC : Power
 +EEPROM <-> DSI_to_LVDS : I2C
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals(100%,25) => 240pin : \nup to 1x PD (24-bit)\n
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals(100%,65) <= 240pin : up to 1x C (P CSI)
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin #red : 
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 7x 
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 3x
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 3x
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 124x
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 2x
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 3x
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 2x
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 2x
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 4x PWM
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 6x
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 1x
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 6 x 6
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 2x
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 4x
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 1x MQS int
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> WLAN_BT : UART
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> WLAN_BT : MMC
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 1Gbit_PHY : RGMII
 +1Gbit_PHY <-> 240pin : 1Gbit Eth
 +i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 1Gbit_PHY_ : RGMII
 +1Gbit_PHY_ <-> 240pin : 1Gbit Eth
 +i_MX7_SoC.PCIe <=> 240pin : PCI Express 1
 +i_MX7_SoC.USB2_0 <-> USB2_0 : HSIC
 +USB2_0 <-> 240pin : USB 2.0 
 +USB2_0 <-> 240pin : USB 2.0 
 +USB2_0 <-> 240pin : USB 2.0 
 +i_MX7_SoC.USB2_0_ <-> 240pin : USB 2.0 OTG
 +i_MX7_SoC.USB2_0__ <-> 240pin : USB 2.0 HOST
 +i_MX7_SoC.MIPI_CSI <-> 240pin : MIPI-CSI
test3.txt · آخر تعديل: 2022/05/22 17:51 بواسطة المُشرف العام